(609) 737-3030


Center City Office Park

1544 Kuser Road, Suite C-2

Hamilton Township, NJ 08619

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Blog Posts

  • In particular, there are three extremely common mistakes that divorcing individuals make which, at first glance, may not even seem like a mistake to them at the moment they are making them. In today's article, we will discuss the three most common divorce mistakes we see during divorce in New Jersey, the reason that they are, in fact, mistakes, and how to avoid making them during your divorce.

  • After divorce, it can be difficult to work with your ex-spouse in making sure both of you get enough time with your children. Here's a few tips on how to make it easier to cooperate with each other to make a better life for your children.

  • May people want to include their pets in estate plans to ensure they will always be secure and receive quality care. While this type of planning is common, it can be fraught with emotion. It is important to find someone that you trust to serve as caregiver. It is also important to determine how much that caregiver will need to provide adequately for the pets.